Need to Replace a Window? Here Are Reasons to Look on the Bright Side

Replacing a window isn't always the most welcome task, especially if you have to do it because someone broke the glass in the window, and you don't want to have a board attached to the side of your house forever. It'll be a relief when the new window is in, of course, but it would have been better if this hadn't been broken in the first place.

Still, if it has to be replaced, you may as well look at the bright side. Adding a new window now means you get to fix anything that was wrong with the last one, including cosmetic issues you weren't too fond of.

Get Double-Glazed Windows

First, if the window that was broken was an older single-glazed window, now you can get a double-glazed version and improve the noise insulation in at least one room. And, if you can afford it, you might look into replacing all the single-glazed windows in your home with double-glazed. The insulation is better both in terms of temperature and noise, and your home will seem more comfortable.

Seal up Gaps Around the Frame

In older homes, the old single-glazed window frames often have gaps around them, either from poor installation or from the house settling and pulling the window and caulking apart in various spots. These spots are tiny, so you won't necessarily see them. However, if you've felt like your home was colder in certain areas, chances are it was due to a draft coming in from one of these spots. When you replace the window, even if you're just having the glass replaced and not the whole frame, now is your chance to get the gaps sealed up. Just ask the window company to look around the window and replace the weather-stripping and caulking if possible.

Add Some Style to Your Window Glass

Maybe you're replacing a single-glazed window with another single-glazed window because you don't want to spend the money on replacing everything with double-glazed. That doesn't mean you have to get a plain window with a big pane of glass. Look for fancier window glass, such as stained glass or glass with glazing bars that form a pattern. These aren't necessarily that expensive, and they can make the window look gorgeous.

Call the glass company and let them know you need a glass replacement. You can discuss options after they've evaluated the pane and frame.
